Triumph & Disaster

Triumph & Disaster On The Road Travel Edition 2.0

$79.20 $99
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On the Road 2.0 is a new and improved version, out with the plastic, in with the recyclable aluminium. We have added a charcoal soap, an organic cotton face cloth and it now comes in a handy reusable canvas bag, so you can continue to feather your nest with flotsam and jetsam found along the way. We figure there is enough here for a month on the road, long enough to lose yourself and still come back whole.

Pack Contains: 

  • 3x30ml Aluminium Tubes Old Fashioned Shave Cream
  • Gameface Moisturser
  • Ritual Cleanser
  • 70g Road Soap
  • Face Cloth
  • T&D Branded Canvas Bag

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